Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Spy Peppers

Husband and I both love sweet bell peppers, but they can be costly if you always buy them from the store. Last year I thought I would try my hand at growing my own in the family garden. I started the seeds in early April just like the package said to. I watched and waited for the first sprouts to appear and carefully watered and cared for each of the plants until I could plant them outside. My siblings made fun of me because I would take daily trips to the garden (in the backyard) just to check on my 10 precious pepper plants and the other things I had planted. I made announcements and got excited when the first few flowers began to appear, and became upset and disappointed when the flowers died and the tiny pepper buds dropped to the ground. 

Finally, after much waiting the first pepper actually stayed on the plant and started to grow. Little did I know, but it would be until October until I would get any harvest from my plants. To my surprise my 10 pepper plants produced 4 peppers!!!!!!! All that work for 4 measly peppers that were used up in one meal.
This year I got smart. I checked out some books from the library to educate myself, and already have my game plan down. I started my first "batch" of peppers in December, but my cats thought they were a tasty treat and ate them when they were just little sprouts. At the beginning of the month I planted the next round of seeds, being smart this time and covered the pot with plastic to keep the heat and moisture in, along with keeping the kitties out.

As my seeds sprouted I removed the plastic wrap cover and replaced it with a mesh cover to discourage those curious cats. I am proud to announce that I have 5 plants that have sprouted and at least 3 more that are emerging.
Meet my pepper plants. The straws hold up the mesh so that the plants have room to grow.